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In this documentation, we will use HTRfit to simulate various experimental design involving multiple experimental condition. To do so, we will first need to estimate plausible parameter values based on publicly available data.

Infering parameters from public data

In this section, we utilize publicly available RNA-seq data from Vande Zande et al. (2022) to estimate parameters for simulating experimental designs using HTRfit. The dataset comprises read counts for 6428 transcripts (genes) among 30 genotypes with 2-4 replicates per genotype.

## -- public data embedded in HTRfit
pub_data_fn <- system.file("extdata", "pub_data_rna.tsv", package = "HTRfit") 
pub_data <- read.table(file = pub_data_fn, header = TRUE)
pub_metadata_fn <- system.file("extdata", "pub_metadata.tsv", package = "HTRfit") 
pub_metadata <- read.table(file = pub_metadata_fn,  header = TRUE)

Key statistics about the dataset include:

genes samples genotypes average reads/sample
GSE175398 6428 111 30 6852120
Model fitting on GSE175398 project RNA-seq dataset

We fit a generalized linear model (GLM) to the data to estimate plausible parameter distributions. The GLM allows us to estimate coefficients necessary for simulating experimental conditions. The tidy_pub_fit object contains HTRfit’s estimates for each coefficient and gene.

# -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = pub_data, 
                           metadata = pub_metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1", 
                           row_threshold = 10) 
## --  fit a model 
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ genotype,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 8)
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- extract results for best genes
tidy_pub_fit <- tidy_results(l_tmb[l_genes])

## Intercept ~= Basal expr 
idx_intercept <- tidy_pub_fit$term == '(Intercept)'
PUB_BASAL_EXPR <- tidy_pub_fit[ idx_intercept , 'estimate' ]
## sd(Beta genotype) = 0.2345902
MAD_OBSERVED <- mad(tidy_pub_fit[ !idx_intercept , 'estimate' ])
## -- dispersion
DISP_PUB  <- glance_tmb(l_tmb)$dispersion

We computed the median absolute deviation (mad) of genotype effects estimated by the model as an estimation of variability robust to outliers.

First simulation: mimicking public data

To implement the experimental setup of the GSE175398 project in our simulation, we initialize 30 levels of genotypes using the init_variable() function. The estimated intercept values obtained from analyses of public data shown above correspond to basal expression levels for each gene in our simulated dataset. Moreover, we use values of gene dispersion estimated from public data for our simulation. To simplify the example, only 100 genes are simulated. Consequently, the value of sequencing depth used in simulations was obtained by dividing the sequencing depth observed in public data mean(colSums(pub_data)) by the ratio of the number of genes in public data (6428) and the number of genes in our simulation (100).

## -- design to simulate
N_GENES <- 100 
SEQ_DEPTH <- mean(colSums(pub_data))/(6428/100)

## -- init effects to simulate
input_var_list <- init_variable( name = "genotype", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 30) 
## -- simulate RNA-seq data to mimic public data
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )

Simulated genotype effects are drawn from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sd = MAD_OBSERVED. Note that for a normal distribution, standard deviation (sd) and median absolute deviation (mad) are equal.

First fit with single fixed effect

We fit a model to the simulated RNA-seq data using the fitModelParallel() function to estimate for each gene 30 coefficients corresponding to genotype effects.

## -- prepare data simulated to fit
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1", 
                           row_threshold = 10) 
## -- fit a model to the simulated data
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ genotype,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 

First evaluation: comparing simulation and fit

Next, we evaluate the perfomance of the model using evaluation_report() that compares coefficients from mock_rnaseq() simulations to model’s estimates obtained with fitModelParallel().

## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
Explore evaluation results - Identity plot

The evaluation_report() function produces an identity plot, offering a visual tool to juxtapose the simulated effects (actual effects) with the model-inferred effects. This graphical representation simplifies assessing how well the model aligns with the values of the simulated effects, enabling a visual analysis of the model’s goodness of fit to the simulated data. For a more quantitative evaluation of inference quality, the R-squared (R^2) and RMSE metrics are also shown.

## -- Model params

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[3, c('description','R2','RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
genotype 0.8490975 0.1402235
Explore evaluation results - ROC curve

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is a valuable tool for assessing the performance of classification models, particularly in the context of identifying differentially expressed genes. It provides a graphical representation of the model’s ability to distinguish between genes that are differentially expressed and those that are not, by varying the coeff_threshold and the alt_hypothesis parameters.

## -- ROC curve

Explore evaluation results - Precision-recall curve

The precision-recall curve (PR curve) illustrates the relationship between precision and recall at various classification thresholds. It is particularly valuable in the context of imbalanced data, where one class is significantly more prevalent than the other. Unlike the ROC curve, which can be influenced by class distribution, the PR curve focuses on the model’s ability to correctly identify examples of the minority class while maintaining high precision.

## -- precision recall by params

Explore evaluation results - classification metrics

The area under the ROC or PR curve (AUC) provides a single metric that summarizes the model’s overall performance in distinguishing between differentially expressed and non-differentially expressed genes. A higher AUC indicates better model performance. In the case of the ROC curve, this AUC should be compared to the value of 0.5 corresponding to the expected AUC for a random classifier. For the PR curve, the random expectation pr_randm_AUC corresponds to the actual proportion of differentially expressed genes, which can take any value between 0 and 1.

The classification metrics are computed for each fixed parameters (excluding the intercept when skip_eval_intercept = TRUE).

## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[3, c('description',   'pr_AUC',   
                                   'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                   'roc_AUC',   'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
genotype 0.888071 0.5036684 1.763206 0.8527017 0.5

Fitting and evaluating random effect

In this section, we delve into the process of estimating the standard deviation of genotype effects (sd(genotype)) using random effects in HTRfit. By treating genotype as a random effect (kij ~ (1 | genotype)), HTRfit provides estimates for both the (Intercept) and sd_(Intercept) for each gene.

## fit genotype as random effect
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ (1 | genotype),
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
Explore evaluation results - Violin plot

To evaluate the consistency between estimated and actual values of the random effect, we employ a violin plot. This graphical representation showcases how well the sd_(Intercept) estimates align with the simulated sd(genotype) value (MAD_OBSERVED = 0.2345902) across genes.

## -- violin
resSimu$violin_rand_params + ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.5))

Improving estimation of random effects with additional levels

One approach to improve the estimation of sd(genotype) involves increasing the number of genotype levels. By expanding the number of genotype levels in the simulated data, the model has more power for capturing the inherent variability in genotype effects.
Here, the number of genotype levels is increased from 30 to 300, with all other paramaters remaining unchanged (sequencing depth, replicates number, number of genes, basal gene expression).

## -- increase number of level to 300
input_var_list <- init_variable( name = "genotype", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 300) 
## -- simulate RNA-seq data 
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )
## -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1", 
                           row_threshold = 10) 
## fit random effect
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ (1 | genotype),
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test on fixed 
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )

Following the adjustment in genotype levels, we reevaluate the model’s performance using the evaluation_report() function. The resulting violin plot demonstrates the improvement in estimating sd(genotype), as evidenced by the reduction in RMSE.

## -- Model params
resSimu$violin_rand_params + ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.5))

It’s important to note that since we only fit random effects, classification metrics are not available in this case (the model cannot estimate the effects of individual genotypes when genotype is treated as a variable with random effects).

Simulating multiple main effects

In this section, we demonstrate how HTRfit can simulate multiple main effects by “piping” (%>%) the init_variable() function. To illustrate, we introduce a second main effect, environment, with two levels. This allows us to explore the combined effects of genotype and environment on gene expression. For simplicity, all effects for both variables (genotype and environment) are drawn from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sd = MAD_OBSERVED (0.2345902). Additionally, we use in our simulation values of gene dispersion, basal expression, and sequencing depth obtained from analyses of the public dataset mentioned above. For faster computation, we simulate data for only 100 genes, adjusting the sequencing depth accordingly.

N_GENES <- 100
SEQ_DEPTH <- mean(colSums(pub_data))/N_GENES
## -- init design
input_var_list <- init_variable( name = "genotype", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 30) %>%
                  init_variable( name = "environment", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 2 )
## -- simulate RNA-seq data 
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )

Fitting and evaluating multiple fixed effects

We fit a model to the simulated RNA-seq data, incorporating both genotype and environment as main effects. Subsequently, we evaluate the model’s performance using metrics and graphical representations available in HTRfit.

## -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1", 
                           row_threshold = 10)
## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ genotype + environment,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
Explore evaluation results - Identity plot

The identity plot provides a visual tool to assess how well the model aligns with the values of the simulated effects. It enables a straightforward analysis of the model’s goodness of fit to the simulated data.

## -- Model params

R² and RMSE obtained for each fixed effects are summarized bellow:

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[3:4, c('description',  'R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
environment 0.9911976 0.0367530
genotype 0.9162173 0.1186953
Explore evaluation results - ROC curve

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve evaluates the model’s ability to distinguish between differentially expressed genes. By varying the classification threshold, this curve offers insights into the model’s discriminatory power.

## -- ROC curve

Explore evaluation results - Precision-recall curve

The precision-recall curve illustrates the trade-off between precision and recall at different classification thresholds. Particularly useful for imbalanced datasets, it highlights the model’s ability to correctly identify examples of the minority class while maintaining high precision.

## -- precision recall by params

Explore evaluation results - Metrics summary

Finally, we summarize the model’s performance using classification metrics.

## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[3:4, c('description', 'pr_AUC',   
                                     'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                     'roc_AUC', 'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
environment 0.9942121 0.5257732 1.890952 0.9889173 0.5
genotype 0.9189461 0.5264842 1.745439 0.8807178 0.5

Fitting and evaluating mixed model

In this section, we utilize a mixed model approach to estimate the fixed effect of environment and the variability of genotype effects using HTRfit. By specifying the model formula as kij ~ environment + (1 | genotype), we obtain estimates for the fixed effect of environment for each gene, along with an estimate of the variability of genotype effects (referred to as sd(Intercept) by the model). The mixed model incorporates both the fixed effect of environment and the random effect of genotype, allowing us to capture the influence of environmental factors on gene expression while accounting for genotypic variability. We fit this model to simulated RNA-seq data and evaluate its performance using various metrics.

## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~  environment + ( 1 | genotype ) ,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
Explore evaluation results - ROC curve

Given the inclusion of a fixed effect (environment), the ROC curve provides insights into the model’s ability to discriminate between differentially expressed genes based on environmental factors. By varying the classification threshold, we assess the model’s discriminatory power in distinguishing between gene expression patterns.

## -- ROC curve

Explore evaluation results - Precision-recall curve

Similarly, the precision-recall curve evaluates the model’s performance in identifying differentially expressed genes across various classification thresholds. This curve offers valuable insights, particularly in scenarios with imbalanced datasets, by highlighting the trade-off between precision and recall.

## -- precision recall by params

Explore evaluation results - Violin plot

We also visualize the distribution of random parameters estimation. The violin plot provides a graphical representation of proximity between the actual sd(genotype) values and their corresponding estimations provided by the model.

## -- Model params
resSimu$violin_rand_params + ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.5))

Explore evaluation results - Metrics summary

Finally, we summarize the model’s performance using key metrics, including R-squared (R²) and root mean square error (RMSE) for regression tasks, as well as area under the curve (AUC) for classification tasks.

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[3:4, c('description',  'R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
environment 0.9911375 0.0364681
sd_(Intercept) NA 0.0354861
## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[3, c('description',   'pr_AUC',   
                                   'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                   'roc_AUC',   'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
environment 0.9984914 0.5151515 1.938248 0.998366 0.5

Simulating interactions

HTRfit offers the capability to initialize and simulate complex experimental designs involving multiple variables with varying numbers of levels, as well as interactions between main effects of these variables. To illustrate this capability, let’s simulate an RNA-seq experiment with 30 genotype levels and 2 environmental conditions. Using the add_interaction() function, interactions between each level can also be simulated. For simplicity, main effects and interaction effects are all drawn from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sd = MAD_OBSERVED (0.2345902). Additionally, we use in our simulation values of gene dispersion, basal expression, and sequencing depth obtained from analyses of the public dataset mentioned above. For faster computation, we simulate data for only 100 genes, adjusting the sequencing depth accordingly.

N_GENES <- 100
SEQ_DEPTH <- mean(colSums(pub_data))/N_GENES

## -- init design
input_var_list <- init_variable( name = "genotype", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 30) %>%
                  init_variable( name = "environment", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 2 ) %>%
                  add_interaction(between_var = c("genotype", "environment"), 
                                  sd = MAD_OBSERVED)
## -- simulate RNA-seq data 
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )

Fitting and evaluating interaction with fixed model

## -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1",
                           row_threshold = 10) 
## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
Identity Plot, ROC Curve, and Precision-Recall Curve

These plots provide visual assessments of how well the model aligns with the values of the simulated effects and its ability to distinguish between differentially expressed genes. Each curve represents a different aspect of the model’s performance, including its goodness of fit and classification accuracy.

## -- Model params

resSimu$performances$byparams[3:5, c('description', 'R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
environment 0.8452716 0.1329940
genotype 0.8437769 0.1530331
genotype:environment 0.5861132 0.2026707
## -- ROC curve

## -- precision recall by params

Metrics summary

The following table summarizes the AUC obtained:

resSimu$performances$byparams[3:5, c('description', 'pr_AUC',   
                                     'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                     'roc_AUC', 'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
environment 0.9092767 0.4500000 2.020615 0.8787879 0.5
genotype 0.9027545 0.5103448 1.768911 0.8680463 0.5
genotype:environment 0.7046191 0.3513793 2.005295 0.7673864 0.5

Fitting and evaluating interaction with mixed model

HTRfit can estimate the interaction between a variable with fixed effects and a variable with random effects using mixed models such as the following model: kij ~ environment + ( environment | genotype ). With this model, HTRfit provides estimates for fixed effect of the environment for each gene, as well as an estimate of the standard deviation of genotypic effects (referred to as sd_(Intercept) by the model) and the standard deviation of interactions between genotype and environment (referred to as sd_(environment) by the model).

## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~  environment + ( environment | genotype ) ,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
ROC Curve and Precision-Recall Curve

Both the ROC curve and the precision-recall curve provide insights into the classification performance of the model, particularly regarding its ability to distinguish between differentially expressed genes and non-differentially expressed genes.

## -- ROC curve

## -- precision recall by params

Violin plot for random parameters

The violin plot visualizes the distribution of random parameter estimates and shows how close these estimates are to the actual values from simulations. Additionally, the model returns cor__(Intercept).env, which represents the correlation between the basal expression of the gene and the environmental effect. This parameter was always set to 0 in our simulations.

## -- Model params
resSimu$violin_rand_params + ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.5))

Metrics summary

The following table summarizes the model’s performance metrics, including R-squared (R2), root mean squared error (RMSE), precision-recall area under the curve (PR AUC), and receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (ROC AUC).

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[c(2,4,5,6), c('description',   'R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
cor__(Intercept).environment NA 0.2956328
environment 0.9902667 0.0354384
sd_(Intercept) NA 0.0363083
sd_environment NA 0.0488314
## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[4, c('description',   'pr_AUC',   
                                   'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                   'roc_AUC',   'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
environment 0.9986267 0.4895833 2.039748 0.9986974 0.5

Simulating, fitting and evaluating triple interaction

HTRfit’s capability extends to simulating triple interactions to evaluate the model’s performance in capturing such complex relationships. To demonstrate this, we introduce a categorical variable age to investigate how RNA levels vary with the age of organisms. We initialize this variable with three levels.

N_GENES <- 100
SEQ_DEPTH <- mean(colSums(pub_data))/N_GENES
## -- init design
input_var_list <- init_variable( name = "genotype", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 30) %>%
                  init_variable( name = "env", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 2 ) %>%
                  init_variable( name = "age", sd = MAD_OBSERVED, level = 3 ) %>%
                  add_interaction(between_var = c("genotype", "env"), 
                                  sd = MAD_OBSERVED) %>% 
                  add_interaction(between_var = c("genotype", "age"), 
                                  sd = MAD_OBSERVED) %>% 
                  add_interaction(between_var = c("env", "age"), 
                                  sd = MAD_OBSERVED) %>%
                  add_interaction(between_var = c("env", "genotype", "age"), 
                                  sd = MAD_OBSERVED)

## -- simulate RNA-seq data 
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )
## -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1",
                           row_threshold = 10) 

model2fit <- kij ~ genotype + env + age + 
                   genotype:env + genotype:age + env:age + 

## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = model2fit,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
## -- Identity plot

The metrics returned by evaluation_report() indicate that capturing triple interactions is significantly more challenging than main and simple interaction effects (between two variables). The metrics comparing actual and inferred values are consistently lower for triple interactions, as well as the classification metrics (AUC).

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[c(2,4,6,5,7,8,9), c('description','R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
age 0.8039539 0.1545807
env 0.8244036 0.1474956
genotype 0.8255563 0.1561758
env:age 0.5573628 0.2095237
genotype:age 0.5459986 0.2180452
genotype:env 0.5531829 0.2117465
genotype:env:age 0.3713272 0.2973623
## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[c(2,4,6,5,7,8,9), c('description',    'pr_AUC',   
                                                  'pr_randm_AUC', 'pr_performance_ratio',
                                                  'roc_AUC',    'roc_randm_AUC')]
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC pr_performance_ratio roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
age 0.8566991 0.5309278 1.613589 0.7874747 0.5
env 0.9047991 0.4329897 2.089655 0.8772727 0.5
genotype 0.8681321 0.5040882 1.722183 0.8228377 0.5
env:age 0.7205054 0.4278351 1.684073 0.7540975 0.5
genotype:age 0.6670356 0.3451831 1.932411 0.7331584 0.5
genotype:env 0.6832815 0.3537149 1.931730 0.7418028 0.5
genotype:env:age 0.5678086 0.3435834 1.652608 0.6646496 0.5
Improving triple interaction estimation

To improve the estimation of genotype:age:env triple interaction, one strategy would be to increase the number of replicates in our simulation. In this scenario, we use 25 replicates for each experimental condition.


## -- simulate RNA-seq data 
mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(input_var_list, 
                         n_genes = N_GENES,
                         min_replicates  = MIN_REPLICATES,
                         max_replicates = MAX_REPLICATES,
                         basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                         sequencing_depth = SEQ_DEPTH,
                         dispersion = DISP_PUB )
## -- prepare data
## apply + 1 to each counts
## remove genes i with all(k_ij) < 10
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1",
                           row_threshold = 10) 

model2fit <- kij ~ genotype + env + age + 
                   genotype:env + genotype:age + env:age + 

## fit complex model
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = model2fit,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )

We observe a significant improvement in performance across all parameters, including the genotype:age:env parameter. The inference of genotype:age:env is closer to the actual values (R2, RMSE), and the model’s ability to determine whether a parameter is differentially expressed or not (with a 25% expression change) is enhanced (pr_AUC, ROC AUC).

## -- actual/estimate comparison
resSimu$performances$byparams[c(2,4,6,5,7,8,9), c('description','R2', 'RMSE')]
description R2 RMSE
age 0.9691926 0.0777417
env 0.9396715 0.0790170
genotype 0.9566792 0.0682572
env:age 0.8336830 0.0945786
genotype:age 0.8741091 0.0873314
genotype:env 0.8313946 0.1030543
genotype:env:age 0.7410645 0.1319104
## -- classification metrics
resSimu$performances$byparams[c(2,4,6,5,7,8,9), c('description', 'pr_AUC',  
                                                  'pr_randm_AUC', 'roc_AUC',    
description pr_AUC pr_randm_AUC roc_AUC roc_randm_AUC
age 0.9466897 0.4642857 0.9242805 0.5
env 0.9768254 0.5102041 0.9566667 0.5
genotype 0.9503246 0.4982407 0.9137898 0.5
env:age 0.8753213 0.3112245 0.8646023 0.5
genotype:age 0.8596407 0.3446517 0.8397253 0.5
genotype:env 0.8480899 0.3427164 0.8391174 0.5
genotype:env:age 0.7951227 0.3335679 0.7947480 0.5
Triple interaction and mixed effects

Currently, HTRfit’s evaluation does not include a comparison between a simulation and a fit capable of capturing triple interactions using mixed models. However, feel free to implement this feature.

Examples of power analysis

HTRfit’s simulation framework offers flexibility in adjusting input parameters, enabling iterative monitoring of how biological or experimental parameters impact diverse performance metrics (ROC AUC, pr_AUC, R2, RMSE).

Monitoring results as sequencing depth increases

Increasing sequencing depth is expected to improve the model’s performance, either for the accuracy of parameter estimates (measured by R2 or RMSE) or for the quality of classification (distinguishing DE and non-DE genes, measured by AUC and PR_AUC). In this section, we utilize HTRfit to assess how model performances vary depending on sequencing depth. We perform this analysis for different groups of genes with different basal expression levels (low, medium, high). Indeed, we expect that model performances will be better for genes with higher expression levels.

  • Fixed effects model : kij ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment

Follow these instructions to reproduce the graphs :

  • Mixed effects model : kij ~ environment + ( environment | genotype )

Similar graphs can be obtained for mixed effect model with these instructions.

Monitoring results as replicates number increases

Increasing the number of replicates is also anticipated to improve performance, contributing to more accurate parameter estimation (measured by R2 or RMSE) and improved classification quality (distinguishing DE and non-DE genes, measured by AUC and PR_AUC).

  • Fixed effects model : kij ~ genotype + environment + genotype:environment

Follow these instructions to reproduce the graphs :

  • Mixed effects model : kij ~ environment + ( environment | genotype )

Similar graphs can be obtained for mixed effect model with these instructions.

Monitoring accuracy in estimating random effect as number increases

To reproduce following graphs, follow these instructions

Grouping genes with different properties

Up to this point, during the simulation of mock RNA-seq data using HTRfit, effect sizes (genotype, environment, genotype:environment effects) were drawn from the same distribution for all genes. With HTRfit’s combine_mock() function, it becomes possible to generate intricate biological experiments for which effect sizes are drawn from different normal distributions for different groups of genes. This function allows the user to simulate RNA-seq read counts for groups of genes with different properties (for instance, genes that are sensitive to environmental changes vs genes that are robust to environmental changes).
For further details about combine_mock() see object mock_rnaseq documentation

# N_GENES <- 100
SEQ_DEPTH <- mean(colSums(pub_data))/N_GENES
REP_NB <- 4
LIST_SD <- c(0.01, 0.04 , 0.07, 0.1, 0.13)

list_mock <- list()
for (SD in LIST_SD) {
  input_var_list <- init_variable(name = "genotype", sd = SD, level = 150) %>%
    init_variable(name = "env", sd = SD, level = 2) %>%
    add_interaction(between_var = c("genotype", "env"), sd =  SD)
  ## Use generate_counts = FALSE 
  ## to save computing time and avoid generating something useless
  mock_data <- mock_rnaseq(
                  n_genes = N_GENES/length(LIST_SD),
                  basal_expression = PUB_BASAL_EXPR,
                  dispersion = DISP_PUB,
                  generate_counts = FALSE) 
  ## append new mock_data in a list
  list_mock <- append(list_mock , list(mock_data))

## -- counts are generated with combine_mock from the list_mock obj
mock_data <- combine_mock(list_mock, REP_NB, REP_NB, SEQ_DEPTH)

The capacity to merge genes with diverse behaviors into a unified experiment proves especially beneficial when assessing a mixed model (kij ~ environment + ( environment | genotype )) utilized to infer sd(genotype) and sd(GxE). In such instances, the identity plot generated by the evaluation_report() will exhibit an R² for the random effect (sd(genotype) and sd(GxE)) since the actual value varies across genes.

## -- prepare data & fit model exactly as before
data2fit = prepareData2fit(countMatrix = mock_data$counts, 
                           metadata =  mock_data$metadata, 
                           normalization = 'MRN',   
                           response_name = "kij",
                           transform = "x+1",
                           row_threshold = 10) 
l_tmb <- fitModelParallel(
          formula = kij ~  env + ( env | genotype ) ,
          data = data2fit, 
          group_by = "geneID",
          family = glmmTMB::nbinom2(link = "log"), 
          n.cores = 1, 
          control = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(iter.max=1e5, 
## -- eval params for Wald test
ln_FC_threshold <- log(1.25) ## 25% of expression change
alternative_hypothesis <- "greaterAbs"
## -- remove genes with very low AIC
l_genes <- identifyTopFit(l_tmb)
## -- evaluation
resSimu <- evaluation_report( list_tmb = l_tmb,
                              list_gene = l_genes,
                              mock_obj = mock_data,
                              coeff_threshold = ln_FC_threshold, 
                              alt_hypothesis = alternative_hypothesis )
## -- Model params

## -- Model params